Encoding Equityin Clinical Research & Practice Rethinking race in clinical algorithms


There is a growing consensus that using race as a biologic factor in clinical decision-making tools may be harmful to patients.

A national drive to boost awareness of this issue is long overdue, so we’re working together to ensure that clinical decisionmaking tools, including clinical guidelines and algorithms, reflect unbiased and valid evidence. Our goals include changing the way in which race is considered in research design and ensuring that all patients experience the best possible health outcomes.


We Believe Inaction is Unacceptable.

What we do
Encoding Equity builds on and focuses the momentum already underway to:

The challenge demands all hands on deck.


who can incentivize research behavior.

Medical Societies

who create guidelines, algorithms, and clinical guidance for practice.

AI/ML Community

that can develop tools to assess bias and fairness in algorithms.


who inform and incentivize researchers, and can codify advances.


who can ensure that race is appropriately used in current and future clinical research

Patient Groups

who advocate for better care, access, and support.


because advancements in research and care ultimately affect everyone.

Ready to learn more and take action?

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